By pennyhater - 07/10/2009 20:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By killmenow - 23/04/2014 14:54 - United States - New Orleans
By anonymous - 17/01/2017 20:00
Oh, hello there, don't mind me
By downinthedumps - 13/01/2015 02:47 - United States - Detroit
By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 03:20 - United States - Auburn
By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 15:51 - Japan
By pottyhostage - 08/11/2010 21:26 - Sweden
Send help!
By Anonymous - 30/05/2019 23:30 - India - Pune
You ain't seen me, right?
By Blueberry - 17/09/2012 02:00 - United States - Iowa City
By phansmootchie - 20/12/2011 08:14 - United States
By nekkiddrunk - 14/01/2010 02:04 - United States
Top comments
You were successfully pennied in? What a n00b! Keep a screwdriver handy so you can pop out the hinge pins and take the door off the frame and get to freedom. Then put the screwdriver in the chest of whoever did it. That'll teach 'em to **** with you.
I shouldn't have read this with a dirty mind.
How?... Why?.... The OP likes to ask questions.
How?... Why?.... The OP likes to ask questions.
Maybe you're just a bitch RA, ever think of that?? I'm pretty sure someone wouldn't do that to a really nice RA. Ps. Do you not have a single friend in the world that you could have called?
Obviously she did 'cos she's out now...
Yeah because friends don't prank each other all the time. Also, what #55 said.
Wait.. Don't dorm rooms usually have their own bathrooms? I know when I was in college, Residence had bathrooms in every dorm.
you didn't have anything thin in your room that you could shove between the door & frame to push the pennies out? Like a credit card or something?
When I first read this, I thought it said, "my friends decided to stick penises in the doorframe. I was like WTF?!?
Glad I wasn't the only one haha. I was like...they stuck their penises in the doorframe?? Sounds painful...
if you really were an RA you would have a bunch of other RA's #s, at least the ones in your building... You would probably also have a supervisor if not more than one, as well as know how to get in contact with maintenance and/or campus security.
Janitor's gonna be PISSED...
I love you.
Step 1: Pee in a container. Step 2: Spike their drink with contents of said container. Step 3: Smile in satisfaction of both achievements!
Bust those bitches!