By Jason199615 - 17/04/2012 18:11 - United States - Marshfield

Today, I was looking through my Internet browsing history. Apparently my wife had searched "How to have an affair without getting caught". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 400
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

step 1. always be sure to clear browsing history.

Well leave the history page up and search "how to kill and hide your wife's body without being caught". That'll teach her.


What an idiotic woman you married. Why do people cheat??? Just break up or divorce that person if you are really that unhappy. Be honest and not shady! Thats a horrible way of finding out but better than walking in on her and someone I suppose. Some people just never appreciate what they have and therefore will never be happy just divorce and move on :)

cp1338 0

Wouldn't deleting internet history be one of the steps?

annejayy 7
skyeyez9 24

Google "How to beat your cheating wife without leaving bruises" and leave the page open for her to see.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Welp... she sure is caught now. FYL

Choconumm 8

Looks like getting rid of your cookies wasn't on the list

ayyemmcee 1

The irony is, I'm sure 'clearing your browser history' is on the list of how not to get caught...

KingCeltic77 18

It's a natural instinct for guys to erase Internet history. Girls, not so much.

venomousddog 19

Well she can complain to her sources and explain how their advice failed

Look her up on Ashley Madison. Make a date and bust her red handed!