By Jason199615 - 17/04/2012 18:11 - United States - Marshfield

Today, I was looking through my Internet browsing history. Apparently my wife had searched "How to have an affair without getting caught". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 400
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

step 1. always be sure to clear browsing history.

Well leave the history page up and search "how to kill and hide your wife's body without being caught". That'll teach her.


Either your wife is a moron or a brilliant person trying to tell you something. Either way lose that unfaithful bitch.

chickenflem 8

Maybe she thought u were cheating and wanted to see if ur behavior fits what the site told her

FunSized88 10
Yourheadache 19

I hope she at least deleted my email address...

Well.... That's what you get for searching... You must have not trusted her or suspected something in the first place to be "going thru" the history.

You do realize that the history feature is mainly used for looking at websites you visited, right? Maybe OP was searching for something and...*gasp*... stumbled onto that Google search page. Shocking, isn't it.

1zacster 0

Google Chrome **** mode- Ctrl+Shift+N