By wtf - 12/07/2009 16:20 - United States

Today, I was on my girlfriend's computer. When searching on google, her browsing history popped up. The first thing was "Best positions for a small penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 024
You deserved it 14 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares? If you have a small penis, so what. She obviously doesn't care that much as she hasn't left you and is looking for ways to make the sex enjoyable despite it. She also never was rude enough to say it to your face. She's a keeper.

well at least she's trying to work with it...she could have just dumped you and moved on to someone with a bigger penis. And she didn't bring it up to you and make you feel bad about it, sounds like she was trying to overcome something that could negatively affect your sex life because she loves you enough to stay with you. FYL though for having that small of a penis.


atrialfib29 0

extenze!!!! put 100 tabs with 8oz of milk on a blender and drink it like a damn protien shake!!! LOL!!!! sorry dude but Austin powers said it's not the size that matters it's how you use it....

I agree with those who are saying that it's a good thing because she's willing to make it work. We can't help our "sizes" like that, and I've known girls who broke up over unit size. Definitely make sure you're good at foreplay, because that's important, too. Since you saw that in her history, ask her if she found any new positions she wants to try. :)

lady307 0

Haha well at least she's tryna work with you!

@ 131, thats not how averages work. You are thinking of medians. It is entirely possible to have the majority of penises either above or below the average, depending on their distribution. For example if I have 6 apples, and 4 other people each have 1 apple, 4 of 5 people are under the average of 2.

Hourglass1117 0

Exactly what I was about to tell them. So due to the distribution of dick size, when your dick is big, it's ******' big. haha.

Now you gotta wonder, is it for you, or for herself? Think about it...

christopherlove 0

I like the part where you found out you have a small penis.

fabbitsrabbit 0

well u shud be thankful that shes trying to work with it

LMAO to #84 LOL no but really, i agree w/ most the ppl that shes actually trying to look for ways to still enjoy herself....

That means she loves you and is just trying to love having sex with you. Penis size doesn't really matter anyway... you can always use your tongue and your fingers... and well, try another position !

Lets try to look on the bright side. You have a small penis, and your girlfriends search history isnt best sex positions for huuuge monster size cocks. So at least shes workin with what you got!