By luvonsarah - 14/08/2012 17:27 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I was out drinking with some friends in a Safeway parking lot, when I saw a familiar-looking vehicle pull up beside us. It was my dad, who angrily got out and demanded that I come home. I'm twenty-four, and now the laughing stock of my social circle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 546
You deserved it 24 973

luvonsarah tells us more.

luvonsarah 8

Hey there! I am the OP. A few things I'd like to address: I was only visiting my parents. I do have my own place. I stayed out a little later than I thought I would and they got worried. The bar (in which we were drinking) is in the same parking lot as Safeway. We stepped out to grab some vitamin water and smoke a cigarette.

Top comments

Number one: Why were you drinking in a Safeway parking lot?!? Number two: At least he cares about you...?

Time to move out! Think of all the positives, no grounding, no midnight bumps in the night (if you know what I mean) and most importantly no interruptions during happy time. Get a place OP, it will July get better.


Um yeah actually **** your dads life because if i were him id be hella embarrased.. Drinking in a safeway parking lot?! Really?

Maybe OP is from a small town. I remember stopping by my friend's work, to have a quick brew in the back of truck. Sometimes the only way to catch up when you're busy. Plus I don't have to make myself hoarse talking like in most clubs

The real joke is that you are 24 and still live with you parents and are too poor/cheap to drink at a bar like the rest of the adult world. WTF?

sweetmama88 6

What kind of ******* loser are you? 24 years old, drinking in a gas station parking lot and still living with your parents?

Ur 24 and ur drinking in a Safeway parking lot ur a disgrace to ur family get out of ur parents basement and drink in ur own house or at bars like an adult

The OP never says they were getting wicked drunk, just that they were drinking. Which could just mean a couple beers each. So, FYL, OP because that's embarrassing. However, if you were out getting drunk to impress your friends, YDI.

HisTexasRose 0

Darlin, I don't need your help. I was in Honors English from fifth grade until my senior year when i graduated 7th in my class. Text shorthand is perfectly acceptable on social sites. Thanks, but your opinion isn't needed, therefore, not wanted. Oh, & when you're from Texas, it's yall or nothin(;

Born and raised in Texas, darlin'. Doesn't mean I'm still there, or that I use stereotypical language either.

"I was out drinking with my friends..." Ydi.

hateevryone 14