By luvonsarah - 14/08/2012 17:27 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I was out drinking with some friends in a Safeway parking lot, when I saw a familiar-looking vehicle pull up beside us. It was my dad, who angrily got out and demanded that I come home. I'm twenty-four, and now the laughing stock of my social circle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 546
You deserved it 24 973

luvonsarah tells us more.

luvonsarah 8

Hey there! I am the OP. A few things I'd like to address: I was only visiting my parents. I do have my own place. I stayed out a little later than I thought I would and they got worried. The bar (in which we were drinking) is in the same parking lot as Safeway. We stepped out to grab some vitamin water and smoke a cigarette.

Top comments

Number one: Why were you drinking in a Safeway parking lot?!? Number two: At least he cares about you...?

Time to move out! Think of all the positives, no grounding, no midnight bumps in the night (if you know what I mean) and most importantly no interruptions during happy time. Get a place OP, it will July get better.


McNerdyNerd 8

You're 24, but drinking in a public parking lot says a lot about you. I likely know a lot of 16yr olds more mature. If you think you are too old to be told what to do by your dad, then you are too old for this crap. Grow up and be thankful it wasn't a cop. Loitering and all that.

You could, ya know, drink in a bar or at your house like normal people who are of-age, but what do I know? *shrug*

Lauranna_fml 9

Oh please! Grow up and go to a bar like a normal person. The only people I know who do stuff like that are stupid 15 year olds who think its cool to rebel against mummy and daddy! Act your age dude!

Atleast it was your dad that caught you and it wasn't the cops cus you woulda had to pay a fine and that would hav been a fyl foreal.

If you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult and get your own place or something with some of your friends..

luvonsarah 8

Hey there! I am the OP. A few things I'd like to address: I was only visiting my parents. I do have my own place. I stayed out a little later than I thought I would and they got worried. The bar (in which we were drinking) is in the same parking lot as Safeway. We stepped out to grab some vitamin water and smoke a cigarette.

I'm wondering why you didn't say, "Outside a bar," instead of "Safeway" parking lot.

I don't see how, but if you say so...

Of age or not, most states have jaws about drinking in public. A Safeway parking lot? We're you doing your best hobo impression? And please tell me after hanging out in the car drinking with your friends one of you wouldn't have been idiotic enough to drive.

Jaws??? Like they sic a shark on you for it? That would be a hell of a deterrent...

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : He saved you from a PI, OP. Be thankful.

I come from a small town, I get it. Maybe his buddy just finished work. I remember calling up my buddies for a quick brew after they were done work, sitting in a back of a truck shooting the shit. Beats a club, least I can hear what they're saying.

Some how I dont think being the laughing stock of a social circle that gets drunk in the parking lot of a Safeway is that big of a problem