By Bilze - 17/05/2012 18:57 - United States - Burke

Today, I was reading a book on paper for the first time in maybe a month. I had to stop at a word I did not recognise. Because I'm so used to using a Kindle, I tried to get the definition by pressing it. I had my finger on the word for a few seconds before I realised it was paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 639
You deserved it 40 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I swear I've seen this FML here before. Repost?

KinkyBitch1994 0
reddudeover 2

What is this pay-per you speak of? Sounds like wholesale devilry.

Pape er? Im still confused, is that like old people technology?

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Real books are better than a kindle anyway. Gotta use those context clues haha.

Sadly, I've done tht multiple times. Haha

perdix 29

With paper books, you need to hold your finger on the word for at least two minutes before the definition pops up. Most people find it quicker to use a dictionary, so that's why you may not have heard of this trick. Go ahead and try it.