By CaraMaria - 24/11/2015 09:02 - United States

Today, I was roused from my peaceful slumber by the sound of evil laughter coming from my closet. It was my old Furby, with dead batteries, that I could have sworn I got rid of several years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 079
You deserved it 2 427

CaraMaria tells us more.

Yes. I have since tried to destroy the demonic thing, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it comes back to life.

Top comments

Burn down the house. Get out while you can.

Maybe they added a secret back up function that would turn it on and scare the living shit out of someone years later :P


Get out and run while you still can blow up the house!

No need to worry, OP. There are still quite a few days in the week, so you have /plenty/ of time left to live!

even if you burn all of your surroundings and travel to the end of the world... I'm afraid it's too late for you. I'm sorry.

musicnole 8

I once had to destroy my old Furby with a hammer at three o'clock in the morning. I feel your fear, OP.

I feel as if many Furby had a similar fate from lots of different kids....I know my younger brother was pissed after I destroyed his

Furbies are evil to the core. It's already too late for you, say your good byes and enjoy your last days

When I was a kid and furbies were not a thing, I had that thing from a Barbie movie. It went off in the middle of the night and I freaked out thinking it was alive. My dad took off the batteries, I threw it in a random drawer and never looked back.