By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States

Today, I was rushed to the hospital because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. Why was I crying? My favorite anime character died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 634
You deserved it 83 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

That's the first and probably last dedicated patriotic anime fan I'll ever see. I mean, I would be sad if Ichigo died but, I wouldn't cry.


i have never cried at animes, i didn't cry at goku dieing, i didn't cry at vegeta dieing, i didn't cry at yusuke dieing, i didn't cry at kuwabara fake dieing (u dont know he fakes it until near end of season), and they were all my fav anime characters

Wow, that's sad but I get it. Some people just get too attached to things.

please get some real problems. and dont post your fake problems for the world to laugh at.. it makes me wish that was my only problem in life... some imaginary character. wow.

well, I should say that I'm shocked about you're smart enough to write.. it's not even an actor dude, it's a drawing! you're pathetic.

aintgotmuchofu 0

Think of it as your looking it through one of the characters shoes. as one of your friend or family just dies right in front of you. i bet that when you finish this you are going to say something like "Oh i dont care" or something like "Oh youre one of the damn pathetic people that just cry over anime just because you think its real". your right i am pathetic. i know that. BUT what happens if you are seeing one of your own friend or family IRL just died right in front of you. wouldnt you cry. what if this person you just met just died in front of you. wouldnt you be shock of what has happened and not cry? if you understand about what im saying then reply back. other than that dont ever reply back to me.

scarshadow 8

i dont see the difference between an actor and an anime 1 you dont personally know them 2 noones really dying 3 if (for an actor) they really died what difference does it make? i dont think that they had any effect on your life considering you didnt know them

aintgotmuchofu 0

Like i said. Look at it from the characters point of view. i never said that it would happen or if it was real.

damn I wish I was in the ER for this one

bonnieandclyde44 0

why would u even put this up? pathetic.

un_sexi_lexi 0

wow!!!! that's pathetic! I think even the op knows how ridiculous they are. or should.