By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States

Today, I was rushed to the hospital because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. Why was I crying? My favorite anime character died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 634
You deserved it 83 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

That's the first and probably last dedicated patriotic anime fan I'll ever see. I mean, I would be sad if Ichigo died but, I wouldn't cry.


i would totally do something like that !! i feel your pain

anela_fml 0

how's your imaginary friend they ok?! better check

skyeyez9 24

my daughter has a game on xbox360 called Viva Pinata. I decided to try the game out one day. There was a 'sour pinata' in my garden, ruining things, so I decided to beat it within an inch of its life with the garden shovel. It layed there whimpering and in its death throes.....I sorta felt guilty, lol.

Dang, I'm gonna have to say FYL, that sucks.

Adventure_fml 0

Well now I feel terrible because I never even cried when Bambi's mom died. :/

dochoc_fml 0

To bad you started breathing again

i_is_a_tr00l 0

I cried once cuz one of my virtual pets died. >_> <_< Yes, I'm that lame.