By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 13:06 - Canada

Today, I was selected to give my speech to the entire school. I was later told it had to be censored because it was inappropriate, even though I was just trying to make a point. My speech was on political correctness. My speech on political correctness was censored for political reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sickofnames 0

That's what school is like. Everything has to be the status quo, bland and acceptable. I know your pain as I was almost suspended for a film project I did.

Political correctness is a crock of shit in the first place, necessitated only by the fact that we allow a bunch of annoying crybabies to make a scene every time someone says something they don't like. It's one thing to be offended by blatant racism. It's another thing to throw a fit because someone isn't conforming to the hypersensitivity USA has gotten up its own ass with. Only the most pathetic individual could be offended by "Merry Christmas."


Welcome to America, its nice to meet you? Seriously, if you want free speech, go to some horribly destitute corner of the world with all that American money. Then, you can just pay a local warlord to protect you no matter what you say. Speech is most free when delivered from the barrel of a gun.

"I'd like the preface this speech on political correctness by stating that the school board and administration made me censor this speech. This act of censorship will show just how far our society will go to maintain a level of political correctness."

No offense, but what did you expect? High school is basically a dictatorship. If you don't follow the rules of the school, you get punished. Although I don't understand why they feel the need to suppress the outspoken opinion you wanted to express, aside from the fact that it was, "Inappropriate." (I'm in high school too, just for the record)

I went to a public arts high school. Nothing was censored at all. Students displayed nude, sexually and politically challenging works in the hallways. Maybe I'm just spoiled. Or maybe you are a terrible speech writer who didn't consider the nature of their audience. #21, it sounds as if you are condoning such conditions, and if you are, you are the personification of everything that is wrong with this country.

jasey_rae 0

well that sucks. people are such little babies now a days. make sure you comment about how the school forced you to censor the speech. itll piss them off enough =]

I2OI3 0

What happened to the first amendment? In school they always try to make you think those rules only apply to adults or in certain situations, they do not - they apply to every US citizen all the time - you should have said what you wanted to say anyways and if they gave you grief get the ACL on their asses

#27 - The rights granted in the constitution do not apply to you as an individual until you turn 18. Up until that point they only apply to you as a dependent of your parents. And as your parents choose to send you to a particular school, they relinquish you into the school's partial custody, giving the school the right to delegate those rights to you as they see fit. Until the school clearly breaks a written law, they may censor as they see fit.