By KittenNomNom - 22/02/2012 19:40 - United States
KittenNomNom_fml tells us more.
Ahahah everyone, the shirt was a joke. I wasn't really offended, we ended up becoming friends afterwards. A lot of you are right, he has a great sense of humor and he was just teasing. It didn't kill my self esteem or anything of that sort, I just thought it might give someone a laugh (: Thanks for all the comments and such~
Top comments
Well atleast he noticed your shirt, which means that he was looking at your nice bust ;)
What an ass. People...:/. He couldn't have just kept walking? Gosh, some of the people in this world! If he was a Ginger, it makes sense. He has no soul!
Don't wear those shirts.... Guaranteed bad
Thanks man
Did you at least win?
I have that EXACT SAME SHIRT! Well, it was my boyfriend's and he gave it to me to sleep in, but I claim it now ;)
Wow, that is so interesting! Tell me more!
Quite possibly a new discovery of a lost dramatic play written by Shakespeare! Tell me more!
Yeah, cool story bro... Shouldve had Morgan Freeman tell it
Some people just don't blink, they don't seem to have a blinkreflex. That's kind of creepy actually.
I can go until my eyes water up, even then i can still go (except when its windy, other than than i can go for a loong time)
I love the I'f used as the placement for of. Your in America, gotta spell check it.. And why'd the commenter above get negative votes? Shes entitled to think what's creepy or not. Suck it up and stop negative voting you pansy asses.
Witty girl? *facepalm*
Your comment made me thumb you down sorry. Everyone is allowed an opinion :)
I havnt stopped blinking since this FML and I'm aware of it now so it's really annoying
I would've just laughed. He was probably trying to be funny.
Moral of the story, don't wear a faggoty shirt
I'm not calling you ugly, but you set yourself up.
shiiiiit, hahaha