By Scaryman - 21/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I was sitting down in a store when a stroller stopped by me. While the parents were fixing the strap, the baby looked at me, gasped, looked at me again, gasped, and then screamed. Ten minutes later, another baby looked at me and screamed. My face scares babies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 281
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments


aw :( I'm the same, they cry when they see me. Apparently babies don't like glasses.

htownlove 0

actually babies love glasses. I have some and babies are always all up on me

Lucky you. Atleast you don't have to make faces to scare your little siblings when they annoy you.

in the hills eyes movie, the baby doesnt scream when it sees that tall mutated freaks' face up close, she just giggles. you must be fugly as hell.

Grow a moustache. Not only will babies stop screaming, but the ladies will love you too.

fmylife245 0

the babies werent scared, ive looked at babies and they scream because someone is looking at them and they like it, they werent smiling either, they just babbled, and pointed at me

Babies are programmed to fear bearded faces (and deep voices incidentally). It's nothing to do with attractiveness. Also, I work at a daycare and some babies simply burst into tears when strangers talk to or even make eye contact with them-- especially if they can't see or feel their own parents. One little girl always looks up at the volunteer holding her right before the massive waterworks start.

cookie_monster2 0

I was thinking the same thing. FAKE

sillychilegirl 0

I squirted pop out of my nose cuz of this!!!! it's hilarious! don't feel too bad, maybe the babies were just looking at a specific part of your face, like your nose or something.

BiH_Sinan 0

Was it the only thing that you, "squirted out"?(:

htownlove 0

who says "pop"? I believe it's soda well at least that's what we call it here in Texas

boatkicker 4

htownlove, you're making an ass out of yourself. It's one thing to correct someone when they are wrong, but it's just stupid to correct someone who is correct. Just because it's called soda where you are, does not make its wrong to call it something else. Soda is the most common name so far as I can tell, in the US. Pop is used a lot more on the west coast, and in Maine. Where I grew up the 70+ crowd calls it tonic, but I'm not sure how widespread that is. There are even some people who call all soda's are Coke, until it needs to be specified. ("We have some Coke in the fridge" but in reality its ginger ale. Or else "we need to buy Coke" and instead they buy orange soda.)

We don't say pop on the west coast, we say soda. My grandparents in Kansas call it pop, and we all think it's weird.

boatkicker 4

Soda is the most common, everywhere, however, more people on the west coast call it pop, than on the east coast. There are people everywhere who call it pop, and people everywhere who call it soda.

hahhahahahahahaha omfg that halrious but I'm guessing all yuh can do is nothjn hahahahahahahaha