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By Anonymous - 16/03/2012 01:31 - United States

Today, I was sitting in my school's crowded auditorium. When our single, abstinence-only ballsack of a Sex Ed teacher was announced to be stepping down due to being pregnant, I burst into uncontrollable laughter. My reward was aching sides and a week of detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 884
You deserved it 7 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that were me in that situation, given the irony, I'd regret absolutely nothing.



It is because the teacher lied to the students. Maybe she should set a good example?

RedPillSucks 31

She didn't lie. Abstinence will prevent pregnancy. She also may not have had a choice since state laws may require her to teach what she may not believe. Not saying I agree with the policy, just that there are circumstances that make this quite understandable and not the teachers fault.

Hum. As others already said it, I am very uncomfortable with the idea of "sex ed" only being a rant about abstinence. That's not education, that's just a shortcut to unprotected sex ! Because let's face it, just because you tell teens not to do it won't actually stop them. So wouldn't it be better to at least tell them about safe sex ? Or is it no problem to the school administration if the rate of STDs and unwanted teen pregnancies goes up uncontrollably ?

It's all OK if you're spreading some unhealthy ideas about sex and sexuality, like a woman's worth is her virginity, all men are horny simpletons with no self-control, non-heterosexual people don't exist...

You tell a teen not to do something, they are gonna do it. Better to tell them about sex and consequences.

FoxRacerGirl7 7

I don't think your life sucks and I don't think you deserved it. I think you're pretty awesome and if we went to school together we would be spending detention together.

Tho the original premise is funny, the teacher could have gone to a fertility clinic.

A nice demonstration of the effectiveness of Abstinence-Only education.

Haha. Wow, maybe it was the immaculate conception?

Wow! Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do!" Great role model that teacher is! It'd be worth detention to me, being able to laugh at her dumb a**!! She deserved it!!!

Has anyone taken into consideration that said teacher might have been raped?

I love how I got a "thumbs down" because I asked a question that should be asked before we pass judgement on the teacher. And before any comments are made, I don't mean spiritually judged as I'm not religious.