By rainbows? more like shitstorms - 17/08/2012 00:22 - United States

Today, I was suntanning outside, when I had a bout of nausea. I rushed to the toilet, hoping at all costs to just dry-heave it away. When I lifted the lid, I was faced with two of the most rancid floaters I've ever seen, courtesy of my live-in gran. Well, my stomach's empty now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 764
You deserved it 2 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when people don't flush. Age shouldn't matter because we were all supposed to be taught since a very young age.

lol I thought of Skittles when I read your name..


Dogluvr1197 30

I would have just waited for the nausea to pass outside. At least if you did vomit, you wouldn't have to clean it up if it were in some bushes.

ambylyn2010 3

I've had a cough for two months and it makes me puke everyday. Sucks for us eh

Should get checked for whooping cough if you have no other cold symptoms or other known illness (allergies, smokers cough, etc). I've had it, seems to be on the rise again. Coughing until vomiting can be a symptom.

If you don't get that checked out, your esophagus and teeth are going to suffer. As with the lining of your stomach.

Lol I've been!! I've taken zpacks and nasal sprays. You think I'm stupid? Haha it's allergies at its worst.

olpally 32

What the ****??? *goes to bathroom and barfs* after reading this FML.. **** all our lives for having to read this fml.. D:

I think my stomachs going to be empty now...

perdix 29

I don't think you can dry-heave when there is food in your stomach. I find dry-heaving more painful than puking anyways. Perhaps you have dry-heaving and dry-humping confused?

A perdix comment with negative thumbs? Something isn't right here

DarkDaedalus009 8

eww hate that feeling when it comes up my throat ugh sorry to hear that.