By x.x - 06/07/2014 05:09 - United States - Tampa

Today, I was taking a shower when the soap began to burn my eyes worse than they've ever burned before. I quickly grabbed whatever cloth I could find to rub my eyes with. My dad's old underwear was the last thing I would expect to find lying near the tub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 401
You deserved it 5 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That image probably burnt your eyes more than the soap...

ThomasBombadil 31

I think we have a winner for next weeks ILLUSTRATED FML.


Now you have to go get a new soap that doesn't burn your eyes to clean off that nasty.

Why let the soap in your eyes to begin with? most people with common sense keep them closed.

This feed has been plagued by down-votes. Run for your lives, FMLers!

paramor3 23

Oh the horror!!!!! Some things you just can never get over .....

Burn the underwear...and your retinas.

Why didn't you just wash the soap away from the water coming out of the shower head?

Hpixiee 23

this is the most amount of dislikes I've seen in the comments before

I hope you dont get pink eye. That sucks OP, dont tell anyone else though and you can forget about it.

Epickitty58 29

Gonna be almost impossible to forget that you wiped your eyes with a pair of your dad's underwear.

I have my bath towel lying nearby if needed...and didn't your close your eyes tightly for that reason?

So did you put more soap back in your eyes? You wash them. lol