By x.x - 06/07/2014 05:09 - United States - Tampa

Today, I was taking a shower when the soap began to burn my eyes worse than they've ever burned before. I quickly grabbed whatever cloth I could find to rub my eyes with. My dad's old underwear was the last thing I would expect to find lying near the tub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 401
You deserved it 5 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That image probably burnt your eyes more than the soap...

ThomasBombadil 31

I think we have a winner for next weeks ILLUSTRATED FML.


Sounds like your in a sticky situation... ;)

Sounds like you get soap in your eyes way too often, learn how to bathe. Sorry but YDI in my opinion.

Epickitty58 29

Sounds like you need to buy a new attitude that includes a little sympathy.

I think it is about time you fix your habit of opening your eyes when you should not in the shower..

Strangely enough, I can actually relate to this situation. I feel your pain op.

Sorry op, reminds me of planes, trains, and automobiles

shower curtains do the same job...YDI

It's easier to run your eyes while having the water run over your face. It rinses the eyes without being as harsh as straight up spraying water into them.

What kind of grown man leaves his underwear like that x_x

Epickitty58 29

I feel sorry for the OP. I would sooner use the bottom of my foot since I know where that's been. (0_o) . . . (X.X)