By guy - 30/07/2012 03:24 - United States - Avon Lake

Today, I was taking a walk when I noticed an elderly man on the ground, unmoving. Being a registered nurse, I tried to give him CPR. As my lips touched his, he hacked a loogie and spat it into the back of my throat. I swallowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 160
You deserved it 5 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifoundalaska 11

That is definitely one of the most grotesque things I have ever heard in my nineteen years of living.

You should have at least tried waking him up or checking his pulse first..


Wow, your registry seems to have some low standards.. well at least experience is taking over with it's share of lessons.

That's why you're suppost to use a barrier

day624 14

Supposed** my friend.. Let us hope the grammar Nazis do not come upon your comment.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Did you try checking his pulse first?

lou_knee 6

Currently we're not taught to check for pulse, only check for breathing.

126: Correction. Healthcare providers do check for pulse. Civillians do not.

I audibly gagged upon reading this. That is truly disgusting!

Silly rabbit, you forgot the ABC's! Check the airway, breathing and circulation before starting CPR.

musicforever444 4

That has to be the grossest thing I've ever heard...

Why did you try and give him cpr? Didn't they teach you to test his vitals before trying to crush his heart through his chest? I feel bad for you, but you as a registered nurse knows nothing about medicine. You could have killed him.

Yes clearly you know more then the registered nurse. He didn't do compressions any way he did mouth to mouth. Check yourself before you wreck yourself

According to my dictionary, CPR is used on people with cardiac arrest and includes chest compressions. If he's not in cardiac arrest, you don't call it CPR, just mouth-to-mouth.

22cute 17

AND CPR is only used on dead people: no pulse, no breath, no response. If he could cough, CPR is inappropriate. A nurse would know that.

day624 14

Those dang gag reflexes just dont come in handy when you really need them

jonnynasty 0