By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 04:51 - United States - Hernando

Today, I was texting my girlfriend and asked her for a picture, expecting something provocative. She sent me a picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test. We had sex once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 033
You deserved it 46 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't matter how many times you had sex, there's always a possibility of pregnancy! Have you never heard of 'wrap it before you tap it'?

Condoms are easier to change than diapers.


strawberrywine22 30

They make these great things you know, called condoms. They help PREVENT this sort of thing.

xStaciexLynnx 15

And about 15 other forms of birth control...

Don't try to prevent god's will with abortion. Just take a run now. GG for the sex! Haha it's just funny to think that you'll never know if it's a boy or a girl. I hope it doesn't tamper your next sex rampage envy that would suck.

38+55) where does it say op was raw dogging? Ignorant little *****....

They may help prevent, but they're not absolute!

It only takes once. But I guess you found that out the "hard" way.

That's not always the situation, when I drink more then two cans it's quite hard to get a hard on. That's what you mean't when you did "hard" right?

wlddog 14

His ability to get "Hard" is not in question. Apparently it's quite the opposite.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Wait, why is everyone assuming he didn't wear a condom? Unless I'm missing something, it just says "we had sex once." That doesn't mean he didn't wear protection...

xStaciexLynnx 15

Chances are if she's pregnant he didn't wear protection. I think if he had it would've said because that makes it even more of an FML. Something at the end like 'Apparently the condom broke.' FML.

Exactly what, 57 said. It is true. Many of us are assuming. But if we go by what's written in the FML, it doesn't say anything along the lines of "We even used a condom, it must have failed" etc.... Also, me personally, I have never meet anyone that can honestly say they used a condom every time, 100%. Kudos to those that can.

22cute 17

43- people just like to give advice about things whether they know the facts or not. Makes them feel important and invulnerable to the same problems. You're right, maybe they did use a condom. P.S. I luv Pinky Pie

Hiimhaileypotter 52

195- Fluttershy is my favorite(:

Don't be a fool, wrap your tool! You epic moron. It only takes one time. Hope you two take responsibility for the child the way you didn't for birth control.

She must be a bitch to make a kid with any first met boy. Don't worry it's karma, you can assumed she deserves it.

kurtXD 0

Don't let it bungie jump . It came in this world because of a broken rubber it's not going out

Of ******* course he wants to be a dad, that's the whole reason this is on FML right?

Just want to say, Happy fathers day!, since you will be busy..

Why are we assuming that he didn't use a condom?! Condoms fail too you know!!!

We are assuming because OP doesn't mention a condom. He makes it sound like he thought you can't get pregnant the first time.

I read it as he was incredulous that the first time they did it something went wrong and she got pregnant. Like a "What are the chances of that?!" kind of thing. It could have been a birth control fail in that case...

Ahh, now that I read your comments. That make sense. I hope more people will learn from this FML then. Can't be too careful when it comes to having sex.

reddudeover 2

You're super fertile. Idiots always seem to be.

The OP is a man.. Women are fertile. Men are not. Idiot.

Man can have bad little swimmers though

The movie idiocracy is going to end out being real life, I just know it.

reddudeover 2

I've heard of grammar Nazi's, but a semantics troll? I don't know if FML can handle that. Oh and it's the SUBSTANCE of an argument that counts not whether or not it's conveyed to you according to your exacting standards of script, speech, or cadence!

Haha America already is idiocracy! The whole world acknowledges that (with the obvious exception of America).

65-eh? men are fertile, what do you think sperm is? how is a man not fertile if he's capable of making a baby?

"Women are fertile. Men are not" So humans reproduce by parthenogenesis? Huh! You learn something new every day.