By Googleit - 29/06/2011 16:44 - Canada

Today, I was told that I may die by the time I'm 30, and that I should Google the disorder because he doesn't know what it is for sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 154
You deserved it 3 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd go to another doctor for a second opinion

I smell an episode of mystery diagnosis..


I can understand the doctor not knowing everything about an illness, no one can, but the fact that they didn't refer you to someone who does tells me he's not that great of a doctor. You need to go see another doctor, tell them what happened and get some real answers before you really freak out.

jackflash19 1

....tell the doc you'll google a good med school for him to go to. there's no such thing as getting your GED for practitioners... then send him a bill for $300/hr and go watch some family guy while on the clock

weewillie 1

Get a new Doc! This one is quack!

scottishandrew1 0

well at least you might get a illness named after you....... I hope your real names not AIDS though

If the illness still had to be named, how could he look it up on google?