By Googleit - 29/06/2011 16:44 - Canada

Today, I was told that I may die by the time I'm 30, and that I should Google the disorder because he doesn't know what it is for sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 154
You deserved it 3 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd go to another doctor for a second opinion

I smell an episode of mystery diagnosis..


Who said this? OP didn't even specify that it was a doctor. If it's not a doctor, YDI for getting medical advice from some schmuck. If it is, report them. That's not acceptable for a doctor to say.

Thank you! Everyone seems to assume that the OP is talking about a doctor!

I just have to tell you that schmuck is the best word in the English language, which is ironic because it's not English. But in my mind it's the perfect insult--the Yiddish equivalent of calling a person a dick.

HahaYDI 0

How's that free Canadian healthcare working out for ya?

CmarieMC23 3

I agree your life sucks because your doctor sounds like a complete moron or whoever told you that. best of luck though

yeh, don't pay attention to those stupid doctors, 2 months ago, one of them told me i would die today with an exact date, and yet im healthy as a f f f, sorry my hands are shaking, and extreme chest pain just suddenly started. ok so back to healthy as fo...................