By Eyesore - 16/04/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was walking back to my home in the city in the dark. I'm paranoid, so when I saw movement behind me I clutched my mace. The faster I walked, the closer the person seemed to be. I spun around and sprayed my attacker with mace. It was my shadow and the wind blew the mace back into eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 196
You deserved it 86 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is mace? Like pepper spray? I'm assuming it's not the spiky club I'm thinking of, lol.

Well, I guess you showed your "attacker" lol. I hope the mace was not too bad though. =)


i thought it was gonna be like a boyfriend messing with you or soemthing, but this is better

81 is along the lines of what I was ready to post.

I don't think it's ridiculous for her to carry mace. In a city it's completely reasonable and lots of people do. I also don't think this is fake - growing up in a city I'm well aware that "dark" means only artificial light is surrounding you, darkness is all relative. Seeing a shadow thus not that unlikely, and if you're paranoid not that hard to think it's someone's following you. What I think is ridiculous is that the OP just shot the mace blindly behind them without even checking. Being careful is one thing, being irrational is another. What if it was an innocent passer by? Mace can be seriously damaging, especially when shot in the eyes.

#93, there's a bit of a difference. Namely; aggravated assault, and aggravated assault with a weapon. Oh, wait, nevermind; if a woman attacks a guy, it's all ok if she thought he was a rapist. Those ice cream men are out to get you, you know. >.> Also, #83, you're my hero.

#102 Maybe she was walking where some lights were on, therefore casting a shadow.

wow, you won't look to see who it was first, what if it were a cute guy who was trying to give back your wallet or something. this is why i'm paranoid when I walk home from the bars that some phyco girl will think i'm stalking them when just going the same way.

I have only two words for you - perhipial vision

Wow.... There is so much fail in that, I might die of laughter...

King_of_Kings 3

why plead FML when it was your own fault? i say YDI for being stupid. now i'm not saying it's stupid to carry protection or to be cautious, but over reacting like you did was a bit dumb on your part. and to top off your dumb stupidity, you got temporarily blinded.