By Eyesore - 16/04/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was walking back to my home in the city in the dark. I'm paranoid, so when I saw movement behind me I clutched my mace. The faster I walked, the closer the person seemed to be. I spun around and sprayed my attacker with mace. It was my shadow and the wind blew the mace back into eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 196
You deserved it 86 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is mace? Like pepper spray? I'm assuming it's not the spiky club I'm thinking of, lol.

Well, I guess you showed your "attacker" lol. I hope the mace was not too bad though. =)


EPIC FAIL!!!!!! ahaha suburban people are so paranoid lol

fyi, mace will do nothing against a focused attacker - it may throw off a casual mugger, but someone who is truly motivated to harm you will not be effected seriously enough to stop. you're better off carrying an actually weapon, like a knife, or perhaps a tazer.

well, i feel your pain. paranoia's a bitch. at least YOU don't hear things at night and see thing move when they aren't. *shudder* and i agree with 78. *grim nod*

Lolz. When I first read this, I thought s/he was talking about the physical hand-weapon mace (, not the spray.

#20; wtf, what is the difference between defending yourself and using mace to defend yourself? It's the same thing. "Overly paranoid"? Are you kidding? Watch, (assuming the OP is a girl), if she actually WAS attacked she'd be blamed for not being more careful. Mace is awesome and comes in handy.

fully_aliive_xox 0

haahhhaaahahahhahaahhha niceeee

Kickinchicken213 3

fake or not this is hilarious. Kudos for a great FML.