By disturbed - 17/03/2010 01:34 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street when I heard a loud splashing noise to my right. I looked over only to see a woman not squatting but bending over, spreading her cheeks, peeing a horse-sized amount of pee. I can't un-see this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 412
You deserved it 3 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she could have been fined for this .... ewewwwwwwww .

when you have to pee... you have to pee. why did you stare long enough to notice it was a horse sized pee?


HateMee 0

my god! that is just flat out funnies!!! for the loss

Gabbiegummies 4

next time you hear splashing do what I do throw a rock and run

bfffness 0

LMFAO. u must live in a really shitty area.. or pissy area I should say.

fukyolife 0

u lucky sob I wld have watched then offered to *** da bitch rough

For those that want to know what a horse size pee is, go to a horse stable.

What in the world is WRONG with people? Who does crap like this? Was it a homeless person or in a terribly sketchy place? Otherwise, this is beyond bizarre. :/

"horse-sized amount of pee" - That's just how chicks piss! Like a damn hydrant opened up

This happened to me too! It was a young, normal-looking woman. And it was like, 10AM. ...I feel your pain bro

Monikabug 9

Couldn't agree with you more, Snick. It is a truly foul image.