By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 08:05 - United States

Today, I was walking on a main street downtown. Suddenly, I felt someone slap my butt. I turned around, expecting to be my girlfriend who was to meet me there and almost gave an old homeless man a kiss on the cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 860
You deserved it 4 483

Same thing different taste


ensemble_coeur 0

this FML made me giggle! that's creepy, though!

You were expecting to become your girlfriend, and you turned around looking for a mirror just to make sure??? :) ...expecting *it* to be my girlfriend...

imchanel 0

weird. at least you didn't kiss him

WorkThatButt 2

Work that butt...that's how I do it -.o

Panther_fml 0

This is a re-post. Sorry man. You need to think of something original!

hikyle 0

well that sucks but, is your foot ok???????????????????????????????????????

The legal term for that is assault and battery.

spank_my_toaster 0