By Jeff - 25/08/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, I was walking out of a bar when someone grabbed me by the throat, and slammed me against a wall, saying "Stop fooling around with my wife, because next time - I'll kill you." I'm gay and haven't been with a woman since 1985. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 474
You deserved it 7 058

Same thing different taste


i hope god kills all the filthy gay people in the world, ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND STEVE!!!!!

That's a very weak argument. If you really believe in Adam and Eve (ie the 1st 2 people on earth), do you also think it's ok for brothers and sisters to sleep together? If not, how do you explain that Adam and Eve had grand-children then? Maybe it's simply because 'Adam & Eve' is just a religious myth which has nothing to do with reality...

God made murderers, rapists and pedophiles too. Does that mean that's how all people should be?

Clearly no one is "perfect", if there is such a thing, but the difference is that murderers, rapists and pedophiles kill and cause pain to others, these people have allot of hate and are more like the people here that say "YDI for being gay" and "you should die for being gay" and so on. Homosexuals don't kill and hurt other people, and simply want the right to love whoever they happen to fall in love with, be it man or woman.

Just remember people, as much as you believe your religion is correct, is as much as muslims, jews, catholics and all of the other faiths in the world believe that they are correct. So what makes you right? Whatever happened to tolerance?

nanoflacka 0

Lol i bet u don't like guys quite as much after that. Haha jk. Gays r sweet, (not saying i'm gay)

seriously, people, what is wrong with being gay? it's their choice. and before you go spouting about the bible and god to me, i'm a christian. i have gay friends. i think they are really sweet most of the time. heck, i even gave one of them several pairs of agonizingly painful high heels cuz he wanted them and i didn't. OP, FYL for meeting such a douche.

What do you mean by 'it's their choice'? Do you really think that people choose to be straight, gay, bi, etc.? I assume you're straight. Did you 'choose' one day to be straight or has it always been obvious to you that you were straight? Well, it's the same with being gay. You don't choose to be gay. It's just part of you.

There's on-going genetic and hormonal research at present that's hypothesis is that it's not a choice but a biological matter. Personally I've always put my homosexual tendencies down to Psychological matters as I was brought up in an all-female household following my parent's divorce. Arguably there are some who may seem to 'choose', but there's probably something deeper in the subconscious that will have effected the choice.

ishiloh 5

In the wrong place at the wrong time... :/ You shoulda told him that ;)

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

well maybe he was drunk. or maybe u just looked like the guy he was takling about and he was too drunk to notice.

primogen18 0

If he was drunk, chances are he did mistake you for someone else and he probably won't again seeing as he won't remember. not the end of the world, but that does suck.

why don't all you gays supporters go suck each others dicks and butt **** each other

Because he's a ******* idiot, that's why. Bimmer09, your a ******* idiot. OP: I'm sorry some guys are drunk jackasses. Just hope you never meet that jackass ever again.