By Jeff - 25/08/2009 17:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 02:02 - United Kingdom
All kinds of wrong
By Anonymous - 16/06/2020 14:01
Catch 22
By Anonymous - 26/03/2021 20:01
By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 10:51 - Australia - Croydon
No means no
By Anonymous - 19/10/2022 22:00
By milkybear - 15/06/2010 07:11 - United States
Sounds like a sitcom
By Anonymous - 08/02/2023 16:00
By ThisIsWhyIStayAtHome - 24/05/2014 00:09 - Ireland - Dublin
By BUSTED. - 01/12/2015 19:02 - United Kingdom - London
Ah yes, homophobic jokes, so funny
By Anonymous - 05/02/2021 05:01
Top comments
Sadly you haven't been with a guy since 1986...FYL
you haven't been with a woman since 1985? dude FYL right there.
He's gay, he doesn't want a ******, like how I'm a lesbian and do not want a penis.
You guys, shut up, he doesn't deserve it or deserve to die just because he's gay! If he doesn't like women, that is fine!! It's his sex life not yours! at OP, that is really messed up, but not much of an FML, but you deserve a FYL
Because everyone is politically correct enough to have an opinion? I'd say maybe stop flirting or even talking to married women with abusive husbands. The bruising or black eye are hints to move on.
I'm sure he talks to married women JUST to get their husbands to kick his ass (or at least threaten to). Shut up, seriously..
Ydi for being gay, you waste of life.
YDI for being gay, it's against gods will and unnatural. it's like two yang instead of yin and yang
Oh boy. Look, its RainnDrop think he / she / it / alien life form is being a respectable human being by saying gays are wrong. Oh look, it's me yawning whilst I slowly fall asleep. I mean, these anti gay comments are really wearing thin and are just boring now. "YDI for being gay" "go 2 hell u fagaht" "*** u i kant spell 4 shit so i will post angri antie gai comentz" These are getting really boring. RainnDrop, you keep going on about God. Even IF a Christian God exists, aren't you Christians taught to hate the sin and not the sinner? OH SHIT! I think you mighta missed that lesson! And, I think that also makes you a bad Christian. In conclusion, before you go running off to the sanctity and anonymity of the internet to post angry comments under the impression you are invincible, think. Just a little. Especially think before you post comments about things you don't seem to know shit about.
your a dumb ass. Ying and yang is about the balance of personalities and energies. the only reason why you care so much about someones sexual orientation is because you care to much about the sex they are having. Really you shouldnt be concerned about their sex life any more than you do your parents sex lives.
I'm trying to work out if you were being serious or not. Catholicism is a branch of christianity, so yeah, you are a christian. Just like Protestantism, Born Again, Church of England etc. are all types of Christianity. Surely a Catholic would know that? To OP...yeah FYL. That sucks. Hopefully once you said you were gay he calmed down a bit.
Christians are followers of Christ. Catholics follow Christ. In fact, Catholics were the first Christians before the big split. So I really hope you're joking when you say you're not a Christian. It doesn't take being Christian to dislike homosexuality. But being Christian doesn't automatically translate to disliking it. Snap judgments and stereotyping aren't the way to go.
Accepted as in, I'm too stupid to realise being gay is not a choice, but a matter of braintissue?
You are correct that it is against nature in a basic sense (man do lady make baby). But then so is flying, and you don't think we should burn down all the aeroplanes do you? I am pretty sure the human race doesn't need everyone that can have children to have children (we are a pretty big species these days) so there is absolutely no reason why you, or anyone else, has the right to say who other people can and can't sleep with. If God exists; he created the entire universe... He has a universe to run.... Why would he care what sexuality one person on one planet IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE has?
That is so WRONG. Learn your religion before you follow it Rainndrop. The first Christians are what we now call the Catholics. Later in like 1500 something, Luther started the Protestant Christian branch. Christianity includes Catholicism, Protestantism and the Orthodox church (and some other smaller branches). Damn, I just can't believe that you don't know the history of your own religion.
Oh my dear lord, please smite the fool that is RainnDrop for trying to be your left hand and failing miserably. The first branch of Christianity was Catholicism, but since around the Renaissance Period when the English and German's began to break away from the Pope and Dissolution occurred, thus a new main branch was formed. Since then, more and more branches have come off that great big tree of Monotheistic Religions including: Quakers, Christian Spiritulists; Anglican; Orthodox; etc. Oh and might I add Jesus was a Jew just incase you missed that lesson too RainnDrop. Please don't try and preach, Christianity might be a religion built upon Judging others, but a good Christian of any branch knows their facts before they judge. Oh yeah, and I'm gay and a Christian too kisses xxxxxxx
Wait a Second. Rainndrop is 13! I actually thought this debate was occurring with someone who actually possessed a sex life! Rofl! You're so young, you can hardly manage your own Period, so how in God's Green **** can you tell someone "your opinion" of who can and can not knock boots? And By all means, stop spewing that ignorant shit about religion. You obviously know half of nothing. Run along and play with your Rock’em Sock’em Robots and your Spirographs and your Moby Grape and your 90210. (Family Guy Reference
Well, first I pretty much thought you were retarded, since you talk like someone who thinks she's so much more than she really is, but then I clicked on your profile and realised you are both retarded ánd 13 :) So what makes gay people 'sick'? it's not like they 'chose' to be gay. I don't think you should judge people on things they can't help.
Well, obviously you don't watch Family Guy but the joke is that those are 80s toys. But You ruined that one! Your period is that thing that comes once a month and you bleed all over the place? I say you can't manage it because a young girl as dumb as you is probably still not completely in control of your vag yet. You, Little Girl, don't know a thing about the Gay struggle or even the anti-gay struggle and pretty soon older, stronger, smarter people will bash your pathetic, ugly, wannabe ass and you'll be flushed from this site FINALLY. And Los Angeles (Malibu to be more specific) ***** on San Diego. So don't even start. If your life was so great, you wouldn't be fighting so brutally on this site. ;-)
HAHA! WAIT?!?! YOU'RE 13 YEARS OLD?!?! HAHA! WHAT A ******* JOKE!! Oh man...that's a good one. You're a little ignorant middle schooler. You have no clue what you are talking about. I can no longer attempt to take you seriously. It's made even better that you go on FML and rant about it. Oh wow, I thank you for giving me a good laugh today. haha
I think you're retarded. You 13 year olds are so stupid and ignorant I swear to god I don't think I was as dumb as the 13 year olds are today. You think you know everything and that you're always right. Well 99.9% of the ******* time your WRONG and you make fools of yourselves. Please stop commenting on FMLs and come back when you've got some useful information in your brain, a pair of breasts and comebacks that are not STUPID and lame.
Right bitch. Pretty soon you'll be able to get out of your diapers and use the big kid potty! Soon you'll be able to ride your bike with no training wheels! Would you like that little girl? I bet you would. **** I know children with more maturity and better comebacks than you. My 8 year old sister is more mature than you are. You can't even justify your ******* opinion. Or atleast you can't give a GOOD justification. And its funny that you chose to focus on the breast issue when i said so many other things. Bitch if you had breasts, you wouldn't have focused on that point. Now run along and go play with the stuffing in your B cup.
LMFAO. Bitch can you READ? When did I say that my sister couldn't use the bathroom? You dumb bitch I was talking about you seriously if you're going to make insults, make GOOD ones. And what is there to prove wrong? Bitch your comments are dumb as shit. Simple as that. If you're going to have an opinion have a good one with logical reasoning behind it. And all your replies to people's comments make absolutely NO SENSE. So who the **** has bad reading comprehension here? It certainly isn't me. And ok sure you're body has matured greatly for a 13 year old but you're mind sure as hell hasn't.
OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW SOMEONE COULD BE SO STUPID WTFFFFFFFFF.I Think someone should slap your ugly ass around a bit. Maybe that'll get your brain working a bit. Where the **** do you get all your idiotic comebacks? SERIOUSLY. They are not genius. I'd be embarassed if I were you. And gays are not stupid and disgusting. Thats just one of your stupid opinions. How do you back that shit up huh bitch? BACK THAT SHIT UP.
Alright bitch I'm gonna stop arguing because obviously nothing smart penetrates that thick skull of yours. One last thing though beauty inside and out? Right. I think whoever said you were beautiful on the inside was seriously ****** up in the head to tell you such a horrid lie. By not accepting people (gays) the way they are, that automatically makes you pretty much ugly inside to insult them like that. Being gay is not a choice. And people should have the right to be gay and not have snooty bitches like you jump down their throats. Love between a man and woman is no different than love between two women or two men. Love is the same and you should respect that. It is not disgusting. What is disgusting is people like you who cant accept people for how they are.
I don't normally argue with people here. But some people piss me off way too much.
I know this person IRL, and I can testify that she has much bigger breasts than you. You can thank her for being the bigger woman (LOL) and not wanting to humiliate you further. Thanks for showing everyone how large your ego is.
ROFLMAO you have earned my respect almighty one :). BTW Do you have World History?
No, I have bio =/
Don't flatter yourself bitch, just because you got your clique of friends to vote for you on some stupid survey, doesn't mean you're more attractive than anybody else. I'm a guy, if you haven't noticed, and theres an assload of arrogant spoon-fed bitches at my school, just like you. Nobody takes them seriously. Everybody's nice to their faces, but after you get the eventual ******* from them, nobody thinks highly of them. And for the record, I was in school for two days before the weekend, where I got oral sex (from a girl that I've known for TWO days), and getting about 8 numbers. So before you pop off with that stupid ass "I'm more attractive and more popular than you hahahahahahahahahahah" thing, just save it. Its a little bit difficult to just "not" read your posts, seeing as their plastered all over every ******* page. Having your friend come on here to tell us that you have large breasts has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this site. I'm not even going to argue anymore, just because I don't want to sink down to the level of the scum that come on here looking to pick a fight.
Lmfao oh dear he's my friend xD and no I did not tell him to come and comment he's been reading this argument for the past few days and he decided to comment.
I must say thats impressive O.o. Head in a couple of days and 8 numbers good lord are you that good looking or is your school just crawling with dim-witted *****?
The fact that you're still going with this whole argument speaks for itself. The person who knows you in REAL LIFE, that can accurately judge the size of your breasts compared to someone elses. I didn't think I'd have to clarify. And she's not my girlfriend either. I'm done. This is ******* stupid.
Ah well I see atleast one guy has got it right >.>. And good for you! See those are the girls that you should aim for. Because prudes suck balls (well not literally as they're prudes and the thought of even touching a penis is just APPALLING *rolls eyes*). And ***** have STIs and fake tans and have had multiple abortions :). How unfortunate that my school has more than its fair share of ***** and douchebags. You go! You..
Umm I thought we were done here? I don't want to continue arguing here so stfu please kthx.
Lol, i only date classy girls.. I mean I'll have sex with *****, but I wouldn't be in a relationship with one. They always cheat anyway. I've never cheated, I've never even held hands with another girl while I had a girlfriend. I ******* hate cheaters. But yeah, I have pretty low standards when it comes down to just casual, mutual-needs sex.
lol i am IMPRESSED :) just make sure you dont get a disease :) and yeah cheaters suck. I've dated QUITE a few. But thats 'cause i was dumb enough not to spot the fact that they were stupid in the first place >.> and lol MOST guys have pretty low standards when it comes to that too xD
my my. how old are you!?!?!
I've always wondered. Why do men seem to get pissed off at the guys that fool around with their wives? I would be pissed off at my wife, if anyone.
I agree, it isn't a one way street - both parties are to blame, perhaps in truth all 3 parties should share responsibility. By that I mean how did things go wrong in the beginning? Did you marry too young? Are you "forcing" your opinions on someone else? Or at the end of it all, is the love between you really that shallow? Sorry, it's a little deep at times but that's just what I'm thinking about this story
Jazzywrites007 how is he a noon? Because hes "mean"? That's a sad way to look at things, just because you think someone is cruel doesn't mean they don't have a right to speak their mind.
Is wife code for "penis"?
did you tell him that?