By fml - 25/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I was walking through town when I saw a plastic bag on the ground. Trying to be a good citizen, I picked it up, intending on throwing it in the trash. When I looked up, there wasn't a trash can for another hundred feet. So I put it back down. Now I've got a $200 fine to pay for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 002
You deserved it 61 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

earwig12 1

So walk the extra hundred feet. How is that a big deal?

a plastic bag doesn't weigh anything and it wouldn't have taken any extra effort to walk the 100 ft. your laziness disgusts me. you completely deserved it.


"Trying to be a good citizen"? Yeah right. 100ft, jesus christ.

Holy shit, who cares that he didn't feel like walking 100 feet to throw out something that he had no obligation to throw out? Most people wouldn't pick up a piece of trash that's sitting right next to a trash can, but this guy, who has to pay $200 for an attempt at being, at the very least, a better citizen than the average person, gets ridiculed for not wanting to have to take a minute to do something that won't affect him in the least.

stripedoctor 3

karma targets lazy ass people too, you know.

crayons_fml 0

you expect us to feel sorry for you?

100 feet away. And you were walking through town. Meaning, you weren't stationary. AKA, you deserve this.

Quinnjamin 0

I'm guessing you're driveway is longer than that.

DeadMansCrack 4

Some people really need to calm down. The OP deserves a $200 fine for not picking up somebody else's trash?That doesn't make any sense..How many of you guys who said that he deserves it would actually bend over and pick up random trash that you see? And besides,the garbage can that was 100 feet away could have been across the street or not in the direction he was going. Get off your high horses, assholes.