By fml - 25/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I was walking through town when I saw a plastic bag on the ground. Trying to be a good citizen, I picked it up, intending on throwing it in the trash. When I looked up, there wasn't a trash can for another hundred feet. So I put it back down. Now I've got a $200 fine to pay for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 002
You deserved it 61 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

earwig12 1

So walk the extra hundred feet. How is that a big deal?

a plastic bag doesn't weigh anything and it wouldn't have taken any extra effort to walk the 100 ft. your laziness disgusts me. you completely deserved it.


Wow, YDI...I can't believe you couldn't be arsed to carry it another 100 feet..........enjoy your ticket

FYL! since u were trying to be a gd citizen !

"I'll be a good citizen as long as it doesn't inconvenience me too much" Seriously? Walk a hundred feet. I think it's cool that you even bothered, since most people won't, but a hundred feet is not that hard to walk. I'm thinking YDI this one, but it was close.

kronk45 0

.....and you couldn't just walk the extra feet to the garbage can if you were intent on picking it up anyway? laziness. YDI

wow, how lazy can you get? you must really have wanted to be a good citizen. YDI

phoenixxrisingxx 0

yeah, YDI. like, all the way. actions like that, and laziness like that are why our country is the fattest country in the world, and so over polluted. I mean, come on. I thnk I would be a little more sympathetic if it was like, a gum wrapper or something. But shit. wtf.

100 ft is not far you lazy ass. this is why america is fat.

infantrygirl 0

100 feet isn't far at all. YDI for laziness.

tmlgurl 0

Many of you are saying this person didn't deserve the ticket because it was someone else's garbage and at least they tried. You can't 'try' to throw out garbage. You do or you don't. It would be different if they just thought about picking it up but didn't after seeing how "far" the garbage was (although that too would be stupid) but they actually picked it up and then put it back down. This means that they also littered just like the original person and therefore deserve the ticket. $200 is a pretty ridiculous amount, but that's a completely different issue. Also, nowhere in the post does it say the bag was filthy. Most plastic bags on the street are just from people who get them at stores and throw them away afterward. Therefore this person could have just put it in their pocket until they found a garbage can that wasn't out of their way. That's normally what you do when you make the conscious effort to pick up trash.