By fml - 25/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I was walking through town when I saw a plastic bag on the ground. Trying to be a good citizen, I picked it up, intending on throwing it in the trash. When I looked up, there wasn't a trash can for another hundred feet. So I put it back down. Now I've got a $200 fine to pay for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 002
You deserved it 61 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

earwig12 1

So walk the extra hundred feet. How is that a big deal?

a plastic bag doesn't weigh anything and it wouldn't have taken any extra effort to walk the 100 ft. your laziness disgusts me. you completely deserved it.


Why can't you just walk the hundred feet? Just pure laziness.

YDI!!! you should RECYCLE it anyway....

People are missing the point... it's a YDI because he's just as bad as the original litterbug. What if that same trash can was out of the way for the original guy too? I dont see how "I'm willing to throw stuff away as long as it doesnt take too much effort" and "I'm willing to be a good citizen as long as it doesnt take too much effort" are really that different. The litterbug probably would have thrown it away if there was a trash can right there, and the OP made that same decision.

07_MKV 0

What is wrong with you?? Lazy people all over, i bet if there was a McDonalds there in that 100 feet, u would have went there.

lobstar 0

For all who are saying he had no obligation, that is wrong. He had no obligation to pick it up in the first place, true, but as soon as he touched it the bag became his property and therefore it was his responsibility to dispose of it properly. It doesn't matter if he owned it for 1 second or 1 month, as soon as it entered his possession it was his, so by just throwing it right back down he is littering just as the original owner did. It's sad that stories like this will prevent people from picking up trash in the future. We all need to do our part to clean up :(

YDI because you picked it up.....Who the **** picks up random litter off the street

Geez, you guys still don't get it. The point of the FML isn't WHY he didn't throw it away. It doesn't matter if it was 100 feet or 10 feet. The FML is that he got a ticket for somebody else's litter. How can anybody deserve to be punished for another person's crime? I don't know how much more clearly this needs to be explained.

you dummy. i go out of my way to pick up trash on my way home in order to save the earth we all live on, and you can't carry something 100 feet? its because of people like you that we are all going to have to learn to swim real real well.