By stpdaziandude - 08/05/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was watching an animal behavior movie. All of a sudden, it brings up two snails going at it. I got hard watching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 903
You deserved it 45 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Komatose 0

Oh come on people. Snails are sexy as HELL! Especially since they're too slow to get away...

i think i've seen that movie. i gotta admit, it was some pretty hot snail sex.


j3ssissayinn 0

Yep, people here have already said what I wanted to: wasn't the snails having sex, was just 'sex'. If it was two snails, then indeed, FYL.

the things i would do to get me some snail action. ooooooh god.

baydestrian_girl 0

snail **** is the newest thing!

Discovery Channel has some of the best **** ever! But snails not so much, if I saw two snails going at it I'd bring table salt to their orgy! YDI

Nothing hotter than a couple-a snails getting it on. Nevermind SpikeTV, Discovery Channel's where it's at. FYL.

Wow, you got's to get laid! Totally agree #70! Animal **** Planet!

whoababy55 0

yum, snail ****...i wonder how they do it with those bulky shells. bahahaha seriously, thats like a puddle waiting to happen O_o