By stpdaziandude - 08/05/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was watching an animal behavior movie. All of a sudden, it brings up two snails going at it. I got hard watching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 903
You deserved it 45 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Komatose 0

Oh come on people. Snails are sexy as HELL! Especially since they're too slow to get away...

i think i've seen that movie. i gotta admit, it was some pretty hot snail sex.


bortzy93 0

haha to #101. i remember seeing that second one you quoted... anyway, this is kinda weird/pathetic

Anniebbyx3 1

oh dear god. that is disgusting.

Cmon!! what's wrong with that!! snails are slow, so even if your horrible in bed!! they can't escape! P.S that was probably a NRB or NRE No Reason Boner, maybe it just came up that that moment.. and Also, how do snails, u know, do it?

ohhsnapp 0

ah omg, i havent laughed this hard in a longggg time. lmao! hahahhah. snails? seriously? ahahahhaha.

Wow! I'm pretty sure I go to school with this person. If they watched it for an Earth History & Resources lab at U of I, we wtched that same video! Btw, its actually extremely stange how snails do it....

Kill yourself before its too late. Sick moron btw heres a special sound: you boarded the fail boat, the fail boat was failing, failing, failing, the failboat failed

Being a gastropodaphile is sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow WTF is wrong with you dude? That's messed up...

Howdyplz 2