By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


a kiss gives u that spark and let's u know " he/she is the one". not kissing is no dif than him just being ur friend. my husband and I kissed on our first date. it just happened bc it was perfect and everything was great so with that kiss we knew we'd be together. been married 5 yes. we met 5-1/2 yrs ago. no kids and perfectly happy

Yeah he isn't your bf. You are a stalker.

_sourpatchkid 0

aha, hannie_bird! busted. how lame are you that you posted a fake FML?- that's a thousand times worse than waiting two months for a first kiss.

ok your all idiots if you think this is true. you obviously dont go out for 2 months without a kiss because any guy with a dick wouldn't do this. so this is obviously a lie and i feel sorry for you if you believe it. im so tired of all these made up FMLs

two months and you guys never kissed! are you like 10? There are boys I've kissed that were never boyfriends. And how did you not notice your " boyfriend" kissing some other chick before if you were right next to him?

kiah101 0

girl! i think ur stupid..wen my boyfriend asked me out i kissed him the moment he technically instead of saying yes...i kissed him which meant yes to him and we started making-out for the rest of the 2 hours we had 2gether. haha lamo u r. i dont blame him i wudve moved on the third day he wudnt kiss be like "hells no u kiss me or im out" lol.....just get another 1 itz dat easy...u flirt once and they are on ur back dragging for the rest of ur school year,....maybe even longer trust me...i have all dese puppies(guys) on me dragging all way haha

stoicdoom 0

you deserve it for being a prude. not sayin you have to **** him... but why the hell wouldn't you kiss him before 2 months

This guy still has no excuse for just kissing a random girl because he gets no action. If he was that unsatisfied, he could've grown a pair and left. You know, the MATURE thing to do. Otherwise that's pretty shitty reasoning to cheat.

magiczipperman 0

yeah cuz a guy is going to be so mature in a two month relationship where he hasnt even kissed the girl and is probably not even 16 yet.

While this is inexcusable, maybe he didn't think you were interested in him. You dated for two months and didn't kiss? I'm not saying there's no blame on him, he's got the majority of it. But don't you think it's like 70/30?

rubyygloom 0

Far out! My boyfriend and I have been going out for eight months now and planning on spending our lives together. When we first started going out we were both quite nervous and shy and didn't kiss for the first two or three months. This wasn't because we didn't want to but because neither of us could pluck up the courage. We'd kissed on the forehead and cheeks before this, but not on the lips. Seriously, get over it everyone, different people work differently. As for the OP, did you slap him?!?!