By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


_sourpatchkid 0

better that this happened than you try to kiss him at midnight only to find that he's not actually your boyfriend. seriously, he's obviously not a slow mover if he was making out with a stranger within a second of having met her, so the only logical conclusion is that he's just your friend.

_sourpatchkid 0

and to people who have said that kissing is something special and that it's not special if you kiss a lot of people/do it all the time/do it within an hour of meeting someone - i assume you don't have much experience, since it's not the kiss that is special, but the fact of kissing someone you like/care for. A thousand kisses with strangers doesn't take away from the weak-knees you get from kissing the 1001th person you're crazy over.

shalizzz 0

dude, it's like you read my mind! you are 100% right

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

Not if they haven't even kissed, no. Even the mormon girl I know, who is mega conservative, kissed a boyfriend before -two ******* months- have passed.

rubyygloom 0

Kissing isn't the definition of having a boyfriend. That is ridiculous.

ImOnlySleeping_G 0

Haha, you should've kissed some random person too, but you know that looks your age not some 40 yr old. :P

HottAznChick 0

he's hella not worth it. u can kiss ur guy wenever u want n ready to :)

Rylou_fml 0

I don't think you guys are actually dating if you haven't even kissed after that long... Man, I had sex with my boyfriend after two weeks.

hahaha i had sex with my girlfriend after 2 days but i love her :)

CassZo 0

Seriously, 2 months with out a single kiss? Are you sure you were not delustional and thought he was your boy friend? Honestly, I don't think he knew about you guys relationship. cause me and my boyfriend kissed before he asked me out.

dangletsbang21 0

whadda sleaze. go find someone better, nobodys worth that! :)

Once again, I meant that it was the first kiss of the new year!!!!!

_sourpatchkid 0

i call BS - the post clearly states that the OP (ory ou?) was "hoping for our night of the first kiss" - it is beyond me how that can even suggest that the post referred to the first kiss of the new year

"Well, I'm the one that posted this, and he was my first boyfriend. We both decided that we would wait a month or two to have our first kiss because both of our families are religious. Oh, and I'm 17 BTW....not 7 or 10." BS x2! You just said there that you both decided to wait.. so it wasn't the first of the new year.