By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


bawse 0


bawse 0

but in all seriousness, there are plenty of nice guys out there, you just have to look hard!

oh what a hoe that girl was. and what a dick that guy was. just go out and find another who doesn't wait two months to kiss you(:

elementomega 0

he's not ur bf. u imagined he was ur bf.

you are a sad stalker - I find it quite funny

I'm sorry that happened to you. Romantic relationships involve some sort of intimacy. If they don't, they aren't romantic. In a normal adult or adolescent relationship (not pre-adolescent), for future reference: if a guy says he wants to be with you but agrees not to kiss you, he may have a fear of intimacy, psychological problems, he may not be attracted to you, or he may be gay.

Unfortunate. However, being a not 14-year old male with some actual real worl experience. I would have to say that from the boyfriend's point of view, he probably either didnt think you were together or just plain didnt think you were going to follow through. My guess was you were going to surprise him with a new years kiss and he was already at the point of saying "forget this chick, I am going to take care of me." Realistically, that is the only thing he should really be caring about, because obviously, after two months TWO MONTHS, religious or not, "saving yourselves" or not, its so arbitrary that its retarded. sorry hon, you deserve it, not just for holding out on the guy but not looking into his experience or what he wanted before clamping down the oh no, two months is sooo soon to kiss. There's more interesting and special things in any relationship. and quite frankly you suck at them.

tschoiuss 0

UUUMMMMM yeah, who waits TWO MONTHS for a first kiss?!?!?! Its more like the first date. Your fault and good job.

lmao hannie_bird isnt even the OP so shes a lying sack-o-crap. itSucks is the OP. also i cant believe you havent kissed yet. ive madeout with the girl i like plenty of times. i think in these times its just a given that u kiss on or around the first date unless ur like in middle school or something.

cheermonster13 0

how have you been with him for two months and you havnt kissed him yet?? ydi.

I think she meant the first kiss of 2010..... i hope so anyway...