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By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 832
You deserved it 7 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


geez people stop making her feel like a loser just cuz they've been going out for two months and havent kissed. personally i waited about two months before me and my bf kissed because we wanted to take it slow and we're still happy together. i would just say that this dude is an ass who just isn't right for her. luckily for you new year means new start. find yourself a better man!

these ppl are ridiculous. I think it's good that you waited atleast that long to kiss. kissing within the first hour is trampy. if you go around kissing all the time it's no longer special.

Kissing a random guy or blind date after an hour may be a little trampy. Kissing your boyfriend after an hour is logical and romantic. Seal the relationship with a kiss. Not kissing your boyfriend (or not talking about waiting, or letting him know your anticipation and expectations) after 1488 hours is sad and honestly a little rude.

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

I -hope- you meant first kiss of 2010 but I doubt it 'cause you could've said that. So honestly, YDI for waiting two ******* months for something as small as a kiss.

Obviously you are not dating because you would've kissed a long ******* time ago

But he could have kissed her. Why is the onus on her?

He's not the one complaining about not getting kissed on new years eve. She is. If she wanted a first kiss on new years eve she should have made it happen.

the "boyfriend" in question probably doesn't know that the two are dating (because they probably aren't)

September_sky 0

You dated him for two MONTHS and you hadn't kissed him yet? Geez, no wonder he made out with that other girl. He just wanted to get some.

Wow some of you guys are serious idiots/assholes. Just because you guys think a kiss is nothing doesn't mean it means nothing to someone else. Maybe a person and their bf/gf value kisses alot and don't want to kiss eachother until they are sure they relationship isn't just going to crumble. And for all the people saying that a kiss means nothing, then why does it matter if they kiss or not. And to everyone that said that if they haven't kissed already they probably aren't dating, so if I walk down the street and kiss 5 people am I dating all of them? I don't think so. Geez, people can do things their own way, and there is more to a relationship than the physical part. This is probably why there are so many divorces. That being said, I don't think he saw the OP as his girlfriend either. I think the OP was getting ahead of herself. I mean, I do feel bad for her but I think she brought it on herself.

When you say boyfriend you really mean the guy you've been hanging out with that doesn't want to be anything more than friends? lol

letitbe56 0

Are you sure he was your boyfriend and not just your friend? He doesn't sound like the type to wait for two months if he wants to kiss someone.