By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


I agree with you. My boy and I didn't kiss until we were going out for almost a month, and we've been together for 3 years. We have an amazing sexual relationship, and both didn't mind we went slow at first.

Are you sure he knows he's your boyfriend?

Zomg ppl. Me and MY bf didnt kiss till after 2 months! Relationships arent always kissing and other stuff. All of u need to grow up.

True... relationships are not all about being physical. But two months? What's the difference between having a boyfriend for two months and having a really good guy friend for two months if you're not kissing them?

^ This makes me think you are twelve. Um, you can have opposite gender friends!

The point loto is trying to make is, (duh) you can have opposite gender friends... but what's the point in calling this guy your boyfriend if he shares the same "status" as her guy friends?

Time to start the new year with a new boyfriend!

uh. my boyfriend kissed me on the first date. been together six years this past Christmas eve. sooooo...... ya..... YDI

Well, I'm the one that posted this, and he was my first boyfriend. We both decided that we would wait a month or two to have our first kiss because both of our families are religious. Oh, and I'm 17 BTW....not 7 or 10.

I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the bible against kissing. Not to be a disrespectful bitch, but perhaps you should leave ohio and see other parts of the world or country? It may give you some perspective on reality and how the bible is archaic and should not be followed so incredibly strictly.

She never said there was anything in the bible that said kissing is wrong. Perhaps she just wants to build a strong emotional connection before they start getting physical. I'm religious and I want to wait a while before I have a first kiss with someone and it has not a damn thing to do with anything the bible says even though religion plays a role in why I want to wait. For a lot of people, once the first kiss happens, sexual things quickly follow.

17 and waiting moths for first kiss... Are you really telling the truth? Who cares if your family is religious? That's dumb.

rubyygloom 0

Don't let these people get you down. =] my boyfriend and i didn't have our first kiss until two or three months after we started going out, we were both a bit nervous. We started going out not long before we both turned seventeen. Eight months later and we're still together, hoping to spend our lives together. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. =] I feel sorry for you about him kissing that other girl, he's not good enough for you, you should dump him as he obviously doesn't share your morals and ideals.

RefugeForChris 0

Honestly the first kiss is not as big of a deal as people think it is. Some people even forget theirs, even if it was special at the time it's not something you look back on.

My wife and I didn't even hold hands until we dated for 7 months. Dated for six years and have been married for two, and we're each others' best friends. Just saying, there's nothing wrong with taking it slow. From my experience there are less unfortunate surprises that way.

awwe , im sorrry ! youur boyfriennd suucks , go gettta new one .

I don't know why anybody would say YDI to this. A total FYL. @Hannie_Bird: Just curious (I think someone brought it up already), do/did you plan to wait until marriage to have sex? If so, your boyfriend could have decided he didn't want to, leading to the FML

YDI for not kissing him first? Or maybe letting him get away from her during the countdown :P

Quietcannon 0

Shit, that sucks. FYL Boyfriend was going to fly over here after spending Xmas with his family out of state, specifically so we could have a New Years Kiss. Then his flight got cancelled. Hahaha. **** New Years kisses.