By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


Ada360 0

aww thats sooo SAD! WHAT A DOUCHE BAG

two months and no kiss? no wonder he's kissing someone else...

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. lolwat

How old are you? Two months and not a single, tiny peak?

And to people that speaks about "It's ok to wait until you kiss, you must have your times", don't you think that she was anxious for having one?

When you say you were excited when "the ball started to drop"... you were talking about the one in Times Square, right? Your post is a little ambiguous, considering the odd behavior of the guy you call your "boyfriend".

it's ambiguous if you have the mind of a perverted 12 year old.

BrownSugar_fml 5

Two months and you hadn't kissed yet??? he must have been desperate for some action, damn this is sorta your fault

kmhello313 0

Me n my bf of one year kissed the first time we hung out, two months would have been torture! If he actually was your bf...