By ItSucks - 01/01/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with another girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 818
You deserved it 7 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... are you sure he was your boyfriend?

wow. he's not even worth it, then. D:Ii'm sure you could do way better! C:


kmhello313 0

Shoulda jumped into it with them! More fun for all of you!

he probably wasn't your boyfriend... how could you not have kissed for 2 months???

so when u gonna break up with ur boyfriend?? u shuda slapped him ACROSS THE FACE!! that sleezy guy...

if you're in middle school, get the **** off the internet. nobody cares about your problems. ive kissed far more girls than ive dated, and ive never dated a girl i haven't kissed prior. if he will kiss a stranger, then he should be willing to kiss you if your his "girlfriend", which clearly, you are not. quit being a creepy ****** tweener and go play wii or jumprope and hit puberty.

Calm down everyone. She means first kiss of 2010 obviously. If she was hoping for the first kiss with him EVER then it's him who's the problem because obviously she WANTED it, and I doubt that wish suddenly came to her at 12 am.

palmtrees 1

She said she was "hoping this would be the night of [their] first kiss" - pretty clearly sounds like they haven't kissed yet.

Sounds to me like he isn't your boyfriend!!

At least you were with your 'boyfriend' on New Years. I haven't seen mine in a month and a half.

he's your bf and you haven't made out in the 2 months you been with him? that's ******* sad…

you deserve better :) and #93 i know a couple that have been going out 11 months and havent even kissed yet. :L good luck finding someone who deserves you! (:

umm im 14 and ive ****** so thats a little sad that they havent kissed!!!

alicia_was_here 3

just because your an out of control teenager doesnt mean she has to be.