By bingalingading - 30/03/2015 20:46 - United States - Owosso

Today, I was working at a donation center. I was having a really rough day, so my fiancée dropped me off some cookies. At the end of my shift, the manager told me I couldn't take them home because they were donated and therefore they were "company property." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 505
You deserved it 2 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think people that work in donation centers would be nicer than that. FML OP

You're working at a donation centre, therefore you volunteer, right? Well if that's the case you have nothing to lose by telling him to stick it and walking out.


Why, so I can leave them behind and you can stick them up your arse? Thanks, but no thanks.

aksailor000 9

There your cookies therefore well within your rights to walk out the door with them highly doubtful the donation center is going to make a big deal about you leaving with your cookies. Manager clearly isn't respectful of ownership issues or you