By UUUGHHH - 05/02/2016 20:33 - France - Villejuif

Today, I watched in horror from the other room as my boyfriend picked the biggest, slimiest booger I've ever seen, then lowered it into his mouth, and licked his finger clean. I very nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 163
You deserved it 2 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does he work at Booger King? I'm sorry for making a joke, it snot funny.

I would feel sick too if I were you... The bastard did not even offer to share! How selfish is that!


This is the last time I look at FML while eating.

Just reading that's description made me loose my appetite.

cheshireau 26

Oh OP, I've have the exact same thing happen to me. I refused to kiss him after that. He was in his 30's.

Perhaps all men pick their noses, but I always have a tissue on hand. That's not something I'd subjegate myself to. It is ironic, however, that so many men have a fear of oral xD

TomeDr 24

For everyone upset by the "all men do it" phrase, it's a reference from the movie Frozen.

my boyfriend did that once and I thought he had eaten it so I questioned him in horror. and he said no but I didn't believe him. I just laughed it off and didn't kiss him till later or if I forgot he even did it.

I want to click "you deserve it" just for sharing it on here with such descriptive imagery.