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By olive_costume - 05/12/2009 01:16 - Australia

Today, I went into my room and found a plastic snake on the floor. I yelled out to my sister, "Good one, Ellen!" I picked up the snake to take it to show her. The snake started moving in my hands and bit me. I had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 720
You deserved it 8 066

Same thing different taste

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I was camping and out late riding my bike when something got caught in my spokes and was going round and round. It was dark and I thought it was a stick so I reached down to pull it out and it hissed at me. Needless to say I dismounted faster than the speed of light thus proving Einstein wrong. Shove that in your pipe and smoke it!! E=mcgetthefuckoutofmybikesnake

Kingdutch 3

That'd scare the ---- out of me O.o FYL


Eylandt 0

I call BS! Firstly, You do infact see Snakes all over Australia including Sydney! Secondly, If you went to Hospital you would have been told what species of Snake bit you. You clearly leave this out. Thirdly, If the Snake bit you simply from handling it the Snake would have attempted to hide as soon as you entered the room. Failing that as soon as you started yelling out it would have ran. Furthermore as you went to pick it up it would have tried to move away. Please.. If you are going to make up stories try and make them sound realistic. Kind Regards Australian Reptile Keeper/Handler

i call bs on you if you wre an "austrailian reptile keeper/handler" as you put it you would know that snakes dont run they slither dumbass

'ran' doesn't always means used legs to move, a lot of people use it simply to indicate speed, or fleeing from something. Don't call bull just for a wording issue.

marine10_fml 0
victoria4161993 0

it bit you and you still called it a plastic snake haha

sammiwilhelm1127 0

your braver then me fake or not I would never touch a snake

The sister. READ. Goddammit, people like you make me think every American is dumb as ****.