By Anonymous - 04/10/2010 18:14 - United States

Today, I went jet skiing with my girlfriend of four years. I intended to propose to her. The $2000 ring fell out of my pocket and into the lake. I have no idea where it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 789
You deserved it 53 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Looks like it's time to take her scuba diving next.


That is TERRIBLE!!! I kind of agree with the others that you never thought of this situation before, but that is still terrible. Sorry :(

Good rings start at $20,000. YDI for being cheap, and a moron.

opiate62 1

cars are 20,000 not rings. or may be I wasn't born into a millionaire family

wwerulez14 6

No it's not just you... To me, $2000 is a bit excessive. But if you have the money, sounds good to me. The question is, who in their right mind brings a $2000 ring jet-skiing, without making sure it's properly secured? Somebody is a few bricks short of a building apparently....

boatkicker 4

Jonny2x4 (or anyone else who feels like doing this), I challenge you to find me a nice $20,000 ring that doesn't look tacky. Now I challenge you again, to find me a $20,000 ring that doesn't look tacky, AND doesn't have diamonds (Because I don't like diamonds, and never wanted a diamond engagement ring) Yes, this is an actual challenge. I've never seen a $20,000 ring to begin with, and when I imagine them, they have disproportionately large stones that look ridiculous. But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying "hey, maybe there are really nice $20,000 rings."

rallets 22

i think 47 kicked your jetskis..she kicks boats...i mean who knows? o_O

If a guy proposed to me with a $20,000 ring, I would punch him in the face for spending so much damn money.

I'd never wear the damn thing... I'd be too afraid of something happening to it! A couple hundred is fine by me. I don't need extravagance - it's the meaning of the ring that counts.

if my husband had proposed to me with a 20,000 dollar ring I woulda been super pissed... that coulda been a downpayment on a house instead...

I'm with the rest of y'all, $20,000 is way excessive for a ring. That would definitely be a ring that needed a ridiculous amount of insurance on it and would still be terrifying to actually wear anywhere. On a random note, I'm glad to hear that I am not the only person who dislikes diamonds.

boatkicker 4

This morning I was messaged a picture of a diamond ring that was 20,000 and looked fairly reasonable. Not my style, but still, not something ridiculous. Still waiting for a non-diamond one though. :)

TheSofaKing 7

You are a dumb ass for buying a $2000 ring in the first place and a moron for losing it in the lake.

You intended to propose...during a jet skiing outing? You don't propose when there is such a high chance of the ring getting lost. She wouldn't--or at least shouldn't--wear it in the lake, anyway, in case it, you know, got lost. At least you saved her the pain of losing it herself.

Next time propose with a piece of coal like the other boyfriend on FML. Hey they're both forms of carbon!

Taconuggets 0
Fortuitous 0

While that was a nice thought, you probably shouldn't have taken it to go jet skiing and just left it at home or back in your car. However, this isn't the worse that could have happened: a group of pirhanna's could have attacked you and your girlfriend. She would have then broken up with you for taking her on such dangerous activities. Either way, the end result is an FML; however, my "what if" would make a helluva lot better FML and maybe even one of the worst B movies of all time.

boatkicker 4

FYL, definitely. But you sorta deserve it too. Jewelry and jet skiing (or really, anything on the water at all) don't go together. Something ALWAYS gets lost.

maidenandwhat 0

I totally see how easy it is to forget a 2000 dollar ring was in your pocket before going on a lake :/ haha dumb. insurance psh