By Anonymous - 24/07/2013 16:05 - Canada - Neustadt

Today, I went to a dance and saw a really cute guy. Glow sticks were everywhere, so trying to be cute, I took a broken one and dripped some of the glowing liquid on my chest. It made him notice me, but only for him to point out that I'd managed to cut myself and was bleeding badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 940
You deserved it 52 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your heart certainly bleeds for attention OP...

Why would that be a good idea? "okay, just let me drip some glowing toxic substance on my skin, nothing can go wrong with that"


that stuff is an irritant and isnt so good for the skin. ydi.

You should never be this desperate for attention, have some self esteem.

ckyorelse 18

I'm pretty sure that stuff can kill you, OP. Don't do it again.

How is pouring the liquid on your chest cute?

I don't think the liquid from glow sticks should ever touch skin. I won't be surprised if you see a rash or something on your chest afterwards.

How drugged out were you that you had to be told you were bleeding heavily? Might explain why you thought this was cute.

andrealovvve 17

There's other less stupid ways to get a guys attention.

If I could click YDI unlimited times, it wouldn't be enough. I really want the OP to say something here