By KatrinaKitten - 16/07/2011 17:24 - United States

Today, I went to a Japanese restaurant, where the chefs cook the food right in front of you. Our chef tossed an egg in the air, but sadly didn't catch it. Don't worry though, my hair got it instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 080
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KatrinaKitten 16

Omg, my FML GOT POSTED! I'd like to thank all the moderators and all the wonderful people in the world!

CommonSenseKarma 17

I've posted 0 because my life is flawless. FML.


Ahh, egg puns... egg-sactly (Spelled really REALLY WEIRD) what I mean.

ah, that's where humpty-dumpty fell...

d33emar 0

lol that sucks maybe the cook should b doing the dishes

Hey I know that place! It's run by a little Japanese guy called Bukkake isn' it?

Don't be sad! Turn your fround upside down and look at the sunnyside up way of the world :)

YuukiKuranVk 0

you mean a habachi... num nuts.