By Jdub - 28/05/2009 00:51 - United States

Today, I went to a real Japanese restaurant with my sister and mom, where you had to take off your shoes and sit on the floor. After the meal, I realized my shoes were no longer where I put them. For the seven years the restaurant has been open, I'm the first person to get their shoes stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 308
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must've had some pretty cool shoes!


I would have stolen another pair of shoes.

Who approves this load of garbage? Oh whoa is you because you had your shoes stolen! Unless they were expensive shoes then YDI simply for thinking this anecdote was FML worthy. This should be on White Whines.

Japanese food's just fine. I don't know what you're talking about. Remember, it's not a matter of something never happening, it's that it hasn't happened YET. Sucks though. I guess you had nice shoes? Hopefully, they weren't too expensive/special.

Hmm, the way I see it at least everyone else's shoes was stolen and they left yours because its just that ugly. Take it as a compliment I guess.

dammit #15, took my words before i thought them... i'd take it as both a compliment as well as somebody being an assfuck, it means that someone liked your shoes enough to want to and eventually do steal them :)

I agree with #13 - this really should be on White Whines.

Maybe you just had too much Sake and forgot where you parked them?

#13, maybe the OP's life isn't altered terribly by this occurrence, that's true, but honestly, people on this site don't want to hear all the things that would REALLY be FML worthy. "Today, my entire family died in a car accident. FML". Is that really funny? No, not at all. Sometimes it's good just to hear a story about somebody stuck in an unfortunate but (tastefully) funny situation. Somebody getting their shoes stolen in a Japanese restaraunt = comedy = this site continues to run. Somebody losing their entire family to a car accident = not comedy = no more Try to focus on the humor.

Steel_BZ 8

That's not funny at all. They could have been an expensive or rare pair of shoes.