By babysitter - 17/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I went to babysit. I was told the parents would be gone when I arrived. I went and started playing with the kids. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand to find them having sex. I got paid so adults could get laid. While I was there. 6 ft. away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 561
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.


Wow considerate people. If they want to have some alone time, they could have let you know...

dang.... you better still have gotten paid!

Just put the kids down for a nap or something, that way babysitters won't be emotionally scarred.....

How did the parents get back into the house? It doesn't make sense...

i'm completely confused and as such am calling bullshit. firstly, how did the parents get back in the house without you or the kids noticing? second, why the **** were you holding a knife when supposedly playing with the kids? thirdly, why would you open the door to the parent's bedroom? that's not an area a babysitter is supposed to go into, generally speaking. fourthly, if you were only six feet away you were probably in the room with them. learn how to tell distance. this. is. bullshit. said the parents would be gone when you got there....what kind of parent just leaves their kid until the babysitter gets there? you are an idiot.