By babysitter - 17/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I went to babysit. I was told the parents would be gone when I arrived. I went and started playing with the kids. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand to find them having sex. I got paid so adults could get laid. While I was there. 6 ft. away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 561
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.


Yeah, defin #9, we need a so what button :) My bro babysat for my moms old boss all the time while she was home just so she could get work done. Although the parents should have mentioned "we'll be upstairs enjoying ourselves, we never get free time anymore"

You guys haven't even noticed that she was told the parents would be gone on arrival. So the parents would just leave the kids alone she believed? What if she hadn't shown up. Thy wouldn't do that. So itsba fake or exaggeration. Stupid.

GabriLee 0

I hope they hire you again. I would definitely hire you considering you're so dedicated to protecting their kids you would face someone with a knife. Go you.

YDI for interrupting what was to be epic tantric sex. (Well, if you're planning on doing it long enough to hire a babysitter, that's tantric)

It's just F their life really. I mean really they're the ones who got caught screwing by you and their kids. But this whole thing still isn't THAT bad.

deliciouskaek 1

Why else do you think babysitters get paid? To wear out the kids *for* them, so that by the time they get home, the kids are in bed, and they can get back to what they were doing *before* the kids got there. Granted, they usually wait until the sitter's gone...

lnm701 0

That's awkward, no doubt about it. But who cares? You got paid.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#16: How does the OP need to "grow up" What makes them immature in this situation? That they don't wanna hear two grown ups *******? Yeah, or that they were prepared to kill intruders? Oh well they are so ******* immature. Sides, they should have left like to a hotel. Who cares if they are having sex but at least keep it down, or if you wanna scream leave. Bwahah, threesome?

Thank you # 35! I was going to be just as alarmed by the fact that they were 'gone' when the babysitter arrived....

Ibeapirate 0

And they were too cheap to go get a hotel room? Wow. that's lame AND bizarre.