By babysitter - 17/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I went to babysit. I was told the parents would be gone when I arrived. I went and started playing with the kids. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand to find them having sex. I got paid so adults could get laid. While I was there. 6 ft. away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 561
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.


I wonder why the parents didn't go somewhere else to do that...? Too lazy? Didn't want to pay for a room? Anyway, It was pretty brave of you though.

curryndricegirll 0

#70, wtf? 1, they could have already been there. second of all, she did notice that's why she came in with a knife. 2, she wasn't playing with a knife, genius. She grabbed the knife later so that she could fight off the person. 3, it doesn't matter if the freaking bedroom is off-limits. If there is a burglar, you go in the freaking room and you CUT HIM! Anyway, if they didn't want her to come, they should have locked the door. 4, The point is that it's close and disgusting. Not to be a complete jerk, but it's not BS just because you don't get it. Anyway, the parents should have had the decency to go somewhere else and do whatever they needed to do. What would have happened if one of the kids heard the screaming, they would have been scared out of their minds, and possibly themselves, have caught the parents. But hey, at least you got paid, right? But I can understand how that could suck, because I would have been pretty freaked out too.

swimchica 0

haha- at first i read this and thought you said that the kids were having sex!

So what if the parents wanted some time alone to do things? Sure they could have taken it elsewhere, but maybe they didn't have much money to rent a hotel. They probably should have been a little quiter nonetheless....

#50, I agree. OP: What do you care what the parents were doing? They're paying you to watch the kids so they don't have to for a while.

sunshyne84_fml 0

This situation is so weird. They shouldn't have lied and said they would be gone. They could have just told u to take them outside for a few hours so they could have some alone time or something.

missus_butter 0

Okay, it just looks weird for people to pay someone to come to their house while they have sex. There's a possibility that OP isn't an appropriate age for that to be going on. And even if OP is age-appropriate, they should not be drawn into something like that without being informed. If word was out in the neighborhood, they could earn an unwanted reputation as a paid 3-way participant or something.

Ahahahahahahaha_fml 0

I'd drop the money and ask for a threesome.

I'd love to get paid for letting people have sex.