By linda - 22/11/2010 21:14 - United States

Today, I went to get my hair highlighted at the salon. The salonist mixed up my blonde hair dye with some other girl's hot pink and violet dye. Now I look like a cheap hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 728
You deserved it 5 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheB0a 5

So blonde, pink and violet ? I don't think a cheap hooker could afford all those colors =P


bamagrl410 31

When you have your hair dyed at a salon, the chemicals are very strong. You have to wait a couple weeks or more to put any other chemicals on it, otherwise your hair could fall out. So, yes, OP can have it fixed, but not immediately.

Really? I used to get my hair done in a salon and they'd regularly use 3 to four colours to get what I wanted-- my hair never fell out. I have even bleached my hair twice in one day. Also colours like pinks and purples are far from being strong enough to do damage; stripping the colour is what causes damage, but not enough to cause hair to fall out.

To get those bright colours, though, a bleaching process is usually done prior.

ilytyvm 25

Bleaching has to be done first unless she was already blonde and getting highlights that were lighter than her hair. they also don't make funky colors in a normal dye, only in demi permanent dyes, which are actually like a stain. Demi- permanent dyes don't process your hair like normal dyes do. They just sit on top, which is why bleaching is necessary. The color doesn't last unless the hair cuticle is open, hence the bleach. Blondes can do it without bleach, but it doesn't tend to last as long. I don't see how this FML is possible. Especially since hot pink and violet dies would have been dark and in two separate containers and bleach would smell different, be alone, and either white, blue, or purple.

NOW you look like a cheap hooker? Well, I'm no doctor (wait, yes I am), but I'm starting to think that this salon just helped you along in the transformation.

I wasn't aware that cheap hookers had a propensity towards brightly colored hair. Then again, I don't know anything about hookers, so what do I know?

If you're wondering what a cheap hooker looks like, take a peek in the mirror... You'll see me right behind your window, and you probably won't see my hands. Oh wait, we're talkin bout hookers! Well then, I'm not quite the expert, yet..

A troll with no asshole...Now THAT'S scary.

As a heterosexual who is usually not full of shit, I have no use for this "asshole" you speak of.

clockworkrainbow 3

How would any of you fail to notice the dye was the wrong color? YDI.

perdix 29

Now, maybe you will attract some male attention. It's up to you whether you accept the cash they offer you.

I rather have a cheap hooker than a dumb blonde.

TheB0a 5

But what if this cheap hooker is a dumb blonde ? PARADOX !

No, you're* screwed if you can't tell the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.

AAShah 0

Think about this way: You'd have to pay a hooker and not the dumb blonde. See where I'm going? :P So blondes are beter.

Sorry, I better go back to 2nd Grade English for a while.

If you're dealing with a hooker, you're screwed no matter which "your/you're" you use. That is, as long as you have money.

ull need a miniskirt, a bottle of vodka, lace everything, and a lot of makeup

Jayrawrskie 0

Pink and violet is sexy, get over it.